Septic System FAQs

We recommend anywhere from every 2-5 years depending on many factors such as, how many people live in the house, is it a full time or part time residence, the size of the tank. Feel free to contact us and we can give you our best recommendation based on your specific information.

There can be odors immediately after the septic pumping service, but they should not last long. The odors are usually outside and will disperse after a few hours.

Most septic tanks have three covers; one over the inlet side of the septic tank (where the water from your home enters the tank), one in the center of the tank, and one on the outlet side of the tank (where liquid from the tank exits to your drainfield).

  • A septic filter keeps hair, grit, and grime from getting into your drainfield lines. A filter goes on the outlet tee of your septic tank and acts like a strainer, keeping all solid large particles in the tank and therefore out of your drainfield lines.
  • If you don’t know if you have a filter in your septic tank, contact us, and we can let you know.
  • We recommend cleaning the filter every 3-6 months depending on usage. We offer a septic filter cleaning service for the duration you specify, and we automatically take care of it, so you don’t have to worry.  If you are interested in this service, please contact us
  • Grease

  • Feminine Care Products

  • Diapers or Wipes (even “flushable” wipes)

  • Paper Towels

  • Charmin Toilet Paper – it does not dissolve very well

  • When in doubt, contact us and we would be happy to answer your question. 

We recommend Putting 2 Powder Cake Yeast products flushed down a toilet 2 times a year to help keep tank bacteria broken down.

If you have an odor inside the home, we recommend running water down each drain for a few minutes and see if that resolves the problem. If that does not, contact us, and we would be happy to see what is going on.